“No longer will they call you deserted or name your land desolate…”

Connecting Lives International Mission (CLIM) is a Christian mission organization committed to standing with the suffering and persecuted church through ministry, advocacy, and project support, especially in South Sudan.

Fran Boyle founded CLIM in 2003 after seeing the brutality of the Sudanese Civil War first-hand. Fifteen years later, CLIM continues to partner with local leaders to support renewal in South Sudan. From training pastors to sponsoring orphans’ education, from medical missions to economic support, CLIM works with local leaders to support the Aweil region as it rebuilds. In the United States, we work with political advocacy groups to raise awareness, connect the church with the outside world, and be a voice for the voiceless.

Our Projects


Thanks to regular donations, CLIM sends more than 300 primary and middle schoolers to Hope Christian School in Akuak Rak. CLIM also supports secondary students and South Sudanese pastors’ education.

Medical Clinic

CLIM helped build a medical clinic in Akuak Rak that opened in 2008. The clinic reaches thousands of people for hundreds of miles. We provide medicine, equipment, training, and salaries for the clinic workers.

Economic Opportunity

By providing agricultural tools and training, and supporting the clinic and school in South Sudan, CLIM creates economic opportunities for the people of Akuak Rak.


Aweil, South Sudan

Marial Bai

Marial Bai
Unnamed Road, Marial Bai, South Sudan

Akuak Rak

Akuak Rak
Hujayri, South Sudan

Partner with us

Partner with the people of South Sudan as they restore their land and revitalize their lives.

Here are some ways you can support God’s work in Akuak Rak:

Buy an Arabic-English Bible

Buy a chicken

Buy a waterproof canvas sheet

Sponsor a month of school

Buy a family a cow

Sponsor a pastor's training for a year

News and Updates

Simple Gifts: The Power of Used Eye Glasses

“I am the LORD… I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.” – Isaiah 42:7  ...

Longar’s Story: “Did you come from where God lives?”

  CLIM's heart is for transformation, for a region that was destroyed to be renewed. More than buildings and services, we long to see the people of South Sudan healed and restored, especially the children whose parents were killed in the fighting. Today we are...

News and Updates

Simple Gifts: The Power of Used Eye Glasses

Simple Gifts: The Power of Used Eye Glasses

“I am the LORD… I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.” – Isaiah 42:7  ...

Longar’s Story: “Did you come from where God lives?”

Longar’s Story: “Did you come from where God lives?”

  CLIM's heart is for transformation, for a region that was destroyed to be renewed. More than buildings and services, we long to see the people of South Sudan healed and restored, especially the children whose parents were killed in the fighting. Today we are...

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