Our News

Simple Gifts: The Power of Used Eye Glasses

Simple Gifts: The Power of Used Eye Glasses

“I am the LORD… I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.” – Isaiah 42:7  ...

Longar’s Story: “Did you come from where God lives?”

Longar’s Story: “Did you come from where God lives?”

  CLIM's heart is for transformation, for a region that was destroyed to be renewed. More than buildings and services, we long to see the people of South Sudan healed and restored, especially the children whose parents were killed in the fighting. Today we are...

Milestone Achieved: Pastor Matthew’s Church Building Is Finished

Milestone Achieved: Pastor Matthew’s Church Building Is Finished

  This month we are celebrating a major milestone for one of CLIM's sponsored pastors: Matthew Deng's church is finished. For Pastor Matthew and his congregation, this building is many years in the making.   CLIM has supported Pastor Matthew for 10 years. We first met...

Newsletter Archive

Christmas 2022

We celebrated the life of Principal Atak, a man of faithfulness and humor and pray for those affected by widespread flooding. Read more here.

To learn more about what CLIM is doing, sign up for our newsletter!  

Christmas 2021

We are praising God for everything He is doing, in spite of the global pandemic. We have a new clinic, enrolled 20 new students in the high school and teams have been able to continue to minister. Read more here.

Spring 2020

From sad goodbyes to newborn babies, updates  from my recent trip to South Sudan. Read more here.

Spring 2019

This trip marked many wonderful anniversaries — the 20th anniversary of my first trip to South Sudan, the 14th anniversary of the clinic, and the 10th anniversary of the orphanage school. Wow! Learn more here.

Christmas 2018

Our children at the orphanage in Akuak Rak are finishing up the school year. They will be on break the month of December and the new term begins in January. Read more here.

Spring 2017

Updates from our trip to Uganda to minister to South Sudanese refugees. The CLIM team led workshops on healing and saw God do many beautiful and healing things during our time. Read more here.

Christmas 2016

Although there are shortages everywhere and the roads are dangerous to travel, Pastor Matthew is growing his congregation in Juba and boldly teaching healing and renewal. Read more updates here.

Summer 2016

This newsletter we are praising God for a new roof for Pastor Matthew and safety for our students! As the political coalition in South Sudan deteriorates, our cause and hope remain strong. Read more here.

Christmas 2015

This newsletter we give updates from wonderful reunions on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Read more here.

Summer 2015

From seeds and plows, to roofs and independence, this year has been fruitful in Akuak Rak. Read our newsletter here.

Spring 2015

We celebrated our first 8th grade graduation at Hope Christian School this Spring! Learn more about the school that CLIM started 7 years ago, as well as trip updates from South Sudan and Turkey in this newsletter.

Summer 2014

We thank God for bountiful blessings! The Answering the Call team planted 220 tree seedlings with the schoolchildren of Akuak Rak. Read more here.

Spring 2014

This winter, the CLIM team ministered to Sudanese refugees in trauma workshops in Kenya that brought release and healing for almost 100 participants. Read more about the trip here.

Spring 2013

The CLIM team led several healing workshops in Western Equatoria for issues relating to the Lord’s Resistance Army this winter. It was powerful to see people release their burdens of pain and grief and let the Prince of Peace minister to their trauma. Read more here.

Spring 2012

The CLIM team was greeted by a surprise on their trip this winter: Local community leaders had pooled their money to finish the roof of the school! Read all about it here.

Spring 2011

We praise God for a peaceful referendum in Sudan this Spring. To read more about the next steps for South Sudan, click here.

Fall 2010

Wonderful updates of our children, as well as improvements made and in the works for the school and the clinic. Read more and learn about the upcoming referendum here.

Spring 2009

Requests from local Darfurians as well as updates from visiting South Sudanese in Uganda, Kenya, and Israel. Read all about the winter trip here.

Christmas 2008

Updates from many of our students as well as dreams for a possible school for orphans in South Sudan. Read all this and more here.

Spring 2008

The Mustard Seed Clinic is open! After many years of work, generous donations, and logistical miracles, the team saw the structure finished and in use this winter. Read all about our trip here.

Fall 2007

Our network is growing! From new teams coming to Aweil to stateside gatherings, read about the community God is building for South Sudan.