Partner with us

Be a part of what God is doing through Connecting Lives International Mission!

Join us in the work of rebuilding South Sudan. Your donations help local ministries carry out Darfurian refugee programs, provide medical care, train pastors, care for orphans, and advocate for the South Sudanese all over the world.

Buy an Arabic-English Bible

Sponsor a month of school

Buy a month of malaria medicine

Buy a chicken

Buy a cow

Sponsor a year of high school

Buy a waterproof canvas sheet

Buy antibiotics for the clinic

Sponsor a pastor's training for a year

Buy a chicken

Sponsor a month of school

Buy antibiotics for the clinic

Sponsor a year of high school

Sponsor a pastor's training for a year

CLIM accepts tax-deductible donations through an umbrella mission organization called The Gospel Network Support (GNS).  

To donate online via credit or debit card, visit GNS’ website and select “Boyle, Fran” under “Purpose”.

To donate by mail, send a check made out to GNS Ministries to:

Attn: Fran Boyle
4103 Hummer Road
Annandale, VA 22003

Thank you so much for partnering with CLIM!